Traveling forwards & backwards Copy

This version is often referred to as “the basic step” in Brazilian Zouk. However, we usually start the dance with transferring the weight with our partner before we start this basic step.

This basic step has the following properties. Leaders start with step number 1 and followers start with step number 4 and then we repeat the cycle. One cycle of basic step is 6 steps.

  1. PROJECTION. Extend the left leg backwards and then project the leg a little further by relaxing the right knee and simultaneously reaching up through the top of your head to stay in the same level. Push from the right foot (use the arch, ball of the foot and toes actively) to transfer the weight horizontally to the left foot. Roll through the left foot as you transfer the weight – toes, ball of the foot, heel at the end. The left leg stays extended for the entire step (be careful not to bend the knee as you transfer the weight). Release the hips instead.
  2. CONTROL/SUSPENSION. The right foot travels through the midline (almost touching the left one on the way) and place just the ball of the foot behind you with hip distance between the legs. The ankle is engaged and the heel stays slightly lifted off the floor in this step. Both knees and hips are relaxed.
  3. GROUNDING. Transfer the weight back to the left foot, rolling through the foot – toes, ball of the foot, heel. Keep the right heel actively lifted and squeeze the inner thighs together for control of the grounding. Spread out the toes and open the left foot to the floor. Both knees and both hips are relaxed.
  4. PROJECTION. Extend the right leg forwards and then project the leg a little further by relaxing the left knee and simultaneously reaching up through the top of your head to stay in the same level. Push from the left foot (use the arch, ball of the foot and toes actively) to transfer the weight horizontally to the right foot. Roll through the right foot as you transfer the weight – toes, ball of the foot, heel at the end. The left leg stays extended for the entire step (be careful not to bend the knee as you transfer the weight). Release the hips instead.
  5. CONTROL/SUSPENSION. The left foot travels through the midline (almost touching the left one on the way) and place just the ball of the foot in front of you with hip distance between the legs. The ankle is engaged and the heel stays slightly lifted off the floor in this step. Both knees and hips are relaxed.
  6. GROUNDING. Transfer the weight back to the right foot, rolling through the foot – toes, ball of the foot, heel. Squeeze the inner thighs together for control of the grounding. Spread out the toes and open the right foot to the floor. Both knees and both hips are relaxed.

Explanation – Solo:

Explanation – Together:

Explanation – Leader Alone, Followers Alone:

Leader’s Back with Counting:

Follower’s Back with Counting:

Counting Together: