The basic step of Brazilian Zouk has 3 steps with 3 weight transfers. Typically, the leader starts the step with the left foot on the “1” in the music, and the follower starts the step with the right foot on the “1” in the music.
The Brazilian Zouk weight transfer is very grounded. The feet are relaxed and with every step you roll through the foot, landing first with the toes, then the balls of the foot, and the heel in the end (on the steps where you use the heel).
The basic step, whether it is in the spot, forwards-backwards, side-side, other with other variations always has the same quality in the steps:
Make sure you relax your knees and hips respectively. There are no forced or tensed movements of the hips or knees, but the joins are relaxed and soft, and movement in these joints happens as a consequence of the stepping.
If you are new, the most important thing to master first is the weight transfer in time to the music. The grounding and resulting movement in the body are secondary and will start to feel more natural as you get comfortable with your weight transfer. Don’t try to force them to happen, it might take some time, but it will happen as you learn to ground and relax into your basic steps.